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The Liebster Award!

Today's post is a little bit different from my usual content. I was nominated by the wonderful Alexis Riddick, aka lavishlylexi, for the "Liebster Award". This award is a way to recognize and help promote new or up-and-coming bloggers. It is given to bloggers from bloggers and helps bring together the blogging community. This award is similar to chain mail in the respect that once you have been nominated, you nominate 5 more people (and the chain continues so on and so forth). The person who nominated you asks you questions that you answer on your blog, and you pose new questions to your nominees. As a new blogger, I have to give a big thank you to the blogging community. I am overwhelmed by the support and kindness and never expected that when I began this new hobby I would be welcomed in to such a tight-knit community with such open arms.

  • What's your biggest pet peeve and why?

  • I actually have quite a few pet peeves, but I think that for the purpose of this question I'm only going to mention two. The first is pretty common, and it's when people talk or ask questions during TV shows and/or movies. I've never seen it before either so instead of asking me what's happening just keep watching! My second pet peeve is people who are consistently negative. I've written a blog post on this before (you can check that out here), but I find it particularly irritating when people search for the bad in a situation, rather than trying to look on the bright side.

  • What's your favorite blog post, picture, or video you've done and why?

  • My favourite blog post that I've ever done is the one about London. Writing this blog post gave me the opportunity to look back on my time in the city and find photos that I didn't even know I had taken! I'm really looking forward to writing more blogs about my travels!

  • What's your goal for your blog?

  • I don't think that I have a goal for my blog so much as I have a goal for myself. I hope that through my posts I can de-stress and find a voice of my own. I also hope to improve my writing and find other people to interact with who share similar passions and interests.

  • Where do you get inspiration for your blog?

Being new to the blogging community, I get inspiration moreso from my environment than from other bloggers. Though I love perusing other blogs and constantly find myself thinking "ouh I like the way they did that!" or "this is what I want my blog to look like", I wouldn't say it's my primary source of inspiration. I do however get inspiration for my Instagram feed from Liza Koshy. I absolutely love the theme of her feed, be sure to check it out here!

I had so much fun answering these questions (they were surprisingly difficult!), and a big thank you again to lavishlylexi for the nomination!



  • Write a blog or Instagram post or record a video in acceptance of your award, link back to me, and answer the questions I've included.

  • Nominate at least 5 other small bloggers with a following of 1,000 or less on social media.

  • Include a list of questions you'd like for them to answer.

  • Notify your nominees.


  • What is your preferred location to write a blog post? (i.e. coffee shops, office, etc.)

  • Have you encountered any obstacles on your journey to getting your blog to where it is now? If so, what was it and how did you overcome it?

  • What made you first start your blog?

  • What is one piece of advice that you wish you could give your 15 year old self?

Obviously these questions are optional for the nominees and you do not have to continue the thread, but this award is a great way to bring together the blogging community, get to know one another and create more recognition for us small bloggers!

I look forward to seeing everyone's posts!

Yours truly,


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